About Me

Welcome to my website!

I'm Harmony Kaii, an Australian in my early 40’s. I share my experiences on social media, to help women over 40 lose fat and get fit!

In 2014, I was seeking a career change and over the following 12 months embarked on obtaining my Cert IV Fitness, Cert IV Pilates, Cert IV Allied Health Assistance (Physio) in Melbourne, Australia and my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, Indonesia. Unfortunately, shortly after achieving my certification goals, chronic health issues led to 8 years of a sedentary lifestyle, weight gain, and feeling generally unhappy.

While these years in themselves were a transformative journey to a healthier lifestyle overall, at the end of 2022, I made a conscious decision to approach 2023 with renewed determination and mindset.

Through diet, exercise and lifestyle adjustments, I committed to reclaiming my health and vitality – and the results have been amazing! I firmly believe that knowledge is meant to be shared, and if what I offer can positively impact just one other person, then I consider it a resounding success.

Together, let’s inspire and support one another, navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories as we seek a vibrant and balanced life.

Let’s get moving again, together!


Harmony Kaii 💛 ✨

ATTENTION: Women Over 40 Who Are Struggling to Lose Fat and Feel Like Themselves Again...

You’ve tried everything—the diets, the workouts, the quick fixes—and NOTHING has worked. You’re stuck, frustrated, and wondering if it’s even possible to get your body back after 40.

The weight around your midsection is holding on for dear life, your energy is tanking, and every time you look in the mirror, you feel more disconnected from the person staring back at you. Sound familiar?

Here’s the cold hard truth:
Your body has changed, and what worked in your 20s and 30s just doesn’t cut it anymore. Hormonal shifts, a slower metabolism, and stress make fat loss harder and more complicated. But instead of getting real solutions, you’re being fed more quick fixes that leave you feeling defeated.

It’s time to stop spinning your wheels. Stop wasting your time on cookie-cutter programs that don’t understand YOUR body and YOUR struggles.

I get it. I have been where you are and I work with women just like you every single day - I know what it takes to get results over 40.


  • Waking up with a body you’re actually proud of.

  • Losing fat—especially around your belly—without starving yourself.

  • Moving with ease, feeling strong, and having the energy to actually enjoy your life again.

This isn’t a fantasy. It’s a reality, and it’s 100% possible for YOU.

But only if you have the right plan.

Here’s the thing: 99% of programs out there are NOT designed for women over 40.
They don’t take into account your unique challenges, your changing hormones, or the shifts your body’s going through. That’s why they don’t work. I have been there. And that’s why I created my 1:1 Online Personal Training program—to give you the exact blueprint I used to finally lose fat and feel amazing again, tailored to your body and lifestyle.

This isn’t another fad. This is REAL, CUSTOMIZED coaching for women over 40 who are DONE with the BS and ready for results.

No more frustration. No more wasted time. No more feeling stuck.

I’m ONLY looking for a select few women who are serious about transforming their bodies—and their lives.
This is a premium, hands-on coaching experience, and I’ll be working with you closely to ensure you get results. If you’re ready to invest in yourself, break free from the weight that’s been holding you back, and finally feel confident in your skin again, this is your chance.

But here’s the thing - I only have limited spots available.
If you want in, you need to act NOW.

And to take all the risk off your shoulders, I’m offering a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If you follow the program and don’t see results, I’ll refund every cent - no questions asked. That’s how confident I am in what I can deliver for you.

Click below to secure your spot for just $197/month before they’re gone. Because let’s be real - how much longer are you willing to wait to feel like yourself again?

THIS is your moment. Don’t miss it.

What You'll Get

  • Customized Workout Plan

  • Customized Meal Plans & Recipes

  • WhatsApp Support direct with me

  • Monthly Check-In

  • Facebook Group with other like minded ladies

Work With Me 1:1 Now